Who employs the Personal Assistants?

Caring Companions 4U LTD are fully responsible for employing, training and ensuring all staff members have gone through the appropriate checks before commencing employment with Caring Companions 4U LTD.

Are the Personal Assistants insured?

All people employed through Caring Companions 4U LTD are insured through the companies comprehensive business insurance, however our insurance does not take the place of normal household insurance cover for accidental breakage or damage to household items.

Can I cancel calls?

You can cancel your calls giving Caring Companions 4U LTD 24 hours notice and no charge will be incurred.
To cancel your care package agreement with Caring Companions 4U LTD you are required to give 14 days notice from start of you care package (cancellation period) or after this time giving 7 days notice of cancellation of your care package.

What if my Personal Assistant doesn't stay the full time with me?

Caring Companions 4U LTD minute bill, our shortest call time is 20 minutes and all calls will be rounded upto the nearest 5 minutes.
Carers will log in and out of your calls using our call monitoring system.

Can I get support with funding my care?

Self funding

Direct payments
If you get help from social services, you can apply for direct payments. These let you choose and buy the services you want to use, instead of getting them from your council.
If you want Social Services to fund your home care, you will have to have a means-test. This means that they will ask about your weekly income including pensions, earnings, pension credits, allowances and benefits as well as all your savings and investments.
Your Council will work out how much you may need to pay towards the cost of providing you with care.

NHS continuing care
NHS continuing healthcare is an ongoing package of health and social care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS where an individual is found to have a primary health need. Such care is provided to an individual aged 18 or over to meet needs that have arisen as a result of disability, accident or illness.

Attendance allowance
Attendance Allowance benefit is a tax-free benefit for people over 65 who need help with personal care at home.
Attendance Allowance is not affected by savings and is usually unaffected by any other income you may have.

Carers allowance

Pensions and savings credits
Pension Credit is extra money for pensioners to bring your weekly income up to a minimum amount.

Independent living fund



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DISCLAIMER: Please note that this information is provided ‘as is’ and for guidance only. You should always check with the relevant authorities and/or organisations first before making any applications or seeking care benefits as to the correctness and validity of the information we have been given and how it may, or may not, relate to your specific needs and situation. We cannot be held responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information as this data is subject to change without notice.

What training do carers complete?

All CC4U carers are trained to CQC mandatory requirements, all courses are updated as & when required. As per list below.
All carers are DBS checked before starting work with CC4U and the DBS is checked yearly.
New carers will complete a number of shadow shifts (working along side a competent carer) before going out in the community as a lone worker.

NVQ Level 2 and above or Care Certificate (15 standards)
Moving & Positioning Awareness (2yrs)
Moving & Positioning Competencies (1yrs) 
Medication Awareness (2yrs)
Medication Competencies (1yrs)
Medication in Care (extra)
Basic First Aid Awareness (2yrs)
Safeguarding Adults & Children Awareness (2yrs)
Fluid, Nutrition & Food Safety Awareness (2yrs)
Health & Safety Awareness (2yrs)
Fire Safety Awareness (2yrs)
Infection & Prevention Control(2yrs)
Hazardous Substances (extra)
Privacy,Dignity & Person Centred Care (2yrs)
Dementia, Mental Health & Learning Disability Awareness (2yrs)

All our carers are Dementia Friends & Dignity Champions